Monday, April 27, 2009


I haven't updated in a while because my computer is on the blink. You don't know how much you use something until it is broken. Things have been hectic around here. I have been on three trips since 3/25 and Phil has been on a couple. We keep plugging away at our kitchen. We are about ready to paint. Then, we will have to buy a sink and faucet so we can tile the counter tops. Yeah! It's getting there!

I have been working on Seth's scrapbook for graduation for a while and am down to prom pages. He looked so handsome! Will post the pictures when I can get to a computer! I am using my work computer now...shhhhh! I will then finish his book with his graduation pictures. I mailed out the announcements. I have most of the decorations ready to go for the reception.

Lacy, Mat, Leena, and Lainey are doing well. Lainey is now 5 months. I got to watch them the first of April for a few days. Mom joined me and did we have a blast! It is amazing how 2 little girls can wear out 2 grandmas!

Haven't heard from Davin for a while. He is busy with finals.

Tanner is doing great as is Collin. They are ready for school to get out.

Well, I need to get to bed...I am in Columbia at this posting and need to get some shut eye so I can stay awake in the sessions!

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