Saturday, July 19, 2008 update

Ok, Mende, here is the update you scolded me about! We celebrated Leena's birthday on 7/18 at Famous Daves. Leena got to pick the restaurant. We met Lacy and Mat in St. Joe as we had Leena all last week. I included pics of the celebration and of Leena at the park. We enjoyed her so much and miss her already. She cried when we had to say goodbye and Grammie cried inside. Phil took the week off to spend time with Leena and had a blast. He is the greatest grandpa anyone could have. He bought a trail-a-bike that attaches to his bike so he and Leena could ride in the Hopkins Picnic Bike Ride. Tanner joined them. She learned to ride her bike w/o training wheels just before she came to our house. Phil and the kids went swimming a lot. We stayed at a cabin at Mozingo as Phil won a free night from the city. We had a lot of fun! I didn't get to be there as much as I had to work. The fun filled 24 hrs involved fishing, swimming, grilling out, and making s'mores. Mom, Dad, and Carson came to eat with us. The picture of Mat I put it in twice! Just so you all will know what we live with!
Can you believe Leena will be 6 on 7/20? It doesn't seem possible that Leena, Bryli, and Riley will all be 6 soon! Mom was right, time flies even faster when you get older...even the ripe old age of "29".

Lacy will graduate in August. What a long road, but she made it. We are proud of her! The doctor told her she was going to have a girl but I want to wait to see what the next ultrasound reads. She wasn't very far along...they have been known to be wrong.

Davin is settled back in KC. We miss him. He is working at a pizza place and getting all lined up to attend UMKC. He is thinking about law...who knows! He got a 4.0 last semester at NWMSU! Proud of him, too!

Seth is working at Hy-Vee still and will be a senior this year! He isn't sure what he wants to do after graduating. He has toyed with the military but not for sure. Whatever he decides, we'll support him!

Tanner is going to be in 8th grade...the last year at Maryville Middle School. He and Collin are business partners in mowing lawns. They also still have their paper routes.

Collin will move on to 7th grade. He has been busy staying with Lacy and Davin this summer. We had Alex for a few days which was fun. He is such a ham!

Well...hope this helps, Mende, with the boredom of the birds!

Love you all!



Mende said...

It is about time!! LOL!! I loved the update and wondered why Matt was in there twice! He'll be excited to know that he is on the web for all to see his weirdness! Can't wait for more updates.


The Statens said...

Great update Carla! It was great to see and hear about your family. Keep up with the pics. We love you.

carms kids said...

Great page. I have been looking forward to new pics for weeks,and I love keeping up with your famliy this way. carm